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Store many different categories of information in one Place. Design it yourself with Text, Photos, Files and Websites.

Easily import information from Safari, Photos and Files using Share. Organize and Index all your information in one place.

Define it. Store it. Recall it.


Your Personal Database to Define, Store, Recall and Cross Reference your information.

You have a mountain of personal information you want to remember.

  • The items in house for your insurance
  • Your list of medications
  • Your Rewards Cards
  • PTA parents (and which are on the soccer team)
  • Your doctors and their specialties
  • Grandma’s size for gifts
  • Your furnace filter size
  • Water bill and electric bill account numbers and banks
  • Your Pokemon card collection
  • Subscriptions Netflix, Disney +, podcast, razors, music

— Everyone has a list and everyone’s list is unique to them —

The Basics

You first define what you want to store (Profiles). Then add items (Objects) made from those Profiles.

Define it.

A Profile (definition) is made up of Data Profiles and Group Profiles.

Data Profiles define a single piece of information, like Address or Phone.

Group Profiles combine those individual pieces of information (Data Profiles) into records. “Doctor” (Group Profile) could be made of “Address”, “Phone”. Or “Prescription” (Group Profile) could be made of “Dosage”, “When to take”, “Doctor”.

Define any Data you need. Define your own Groups.

You end up with 2 Profiles.


Store It.

You store this information on each of your doctors and prescriptions. The definitions let you know what you need to enter. For Doctors, enter:

Dr GraysonDePaul555-1212
Dr McMarionBarnes555-3333
Dr Smith122 Bourbon St555-1111

Enter your prescriptions using the Prescription Definition.

Amoxicillin.5 mg3 times a dayDr Grayson
Vitamin A20 mgAs neededDr McMarion
Vitamin D20 mg3 times a dayDr. Smith

Recall it.

When you need your list of your prescriptions you can recall them. And because you associated your doctor with each prescription, you will automatically have the doctor information also.

Amoxicillin.5 mg3 times a dayDr GraysonDePaul555-1212
Vitamin A20 mgAs NeededDr McMarionBarnes555-3333
Vitamin D20 mg3 times a dayDr Smith122 Bourbon St.555-1111

You have not only Defined and Stored your information, when you Recall it you will see the cross references where the columns match.